9 songs 180 min
9 songs 180 min

9 songs 180 min 9 songs 180 min 9 songs 180 min

His findings show that listening to music while pounding the pavement can enhance mood by 10 to 20 percent, reduce perceived exertion by 10 percent, delay time to exhaustion by up to 15 percent, and significantly increase the likelihood of entering a flow state, in which your brain goes into autopilot because you’re so immersed in the enjoyable experience. Karageorghis has authored more than 100 studies on the relationship between music and athletic performance. Music stimulates the part of the brain responsible for regulating wakefulness (the ascending reticular activating system) which energizes us and makes us want to move, he explains. “Humans have a natural predisposition to respond physically and emotionally to music - it is almost as though we are ‘hardwired’ to respond to it,” says sports psychologist Costas Karageorghis, Ph.D., author of Applying Music in Exercise and Sport. Your brain has an inclination to sync your footsteps with the beat in your ears, which is why the best running songs can actually help you run more efficiently. Why? It’s all about song BPM - aka beats per minute, or the measurement of a song’s pace. If your runs double as your own personal Jay-Z concert (often with special appearances by Katy Perry and Eminem), you may be boosting your performance without even realizing it.

9 songs 180 min